Our products for growing heifers and suckler cows

A question?

The word of experts

Philippe Arzul

Suckler cows are particular because they spend a good part of the year grazing without any mineral supplements, which means they are inevitably subject to deficiencies. Providing targeted vitamins and minerals to suckler cows during the calving period (two months before parturition and two months after) ensures successful calving, healthy grassfed calves and reproductive performance.

Philippe Arzul
Cattle Veterinarian at Vitalac
amelie cornillet bovin viande vache allaitante genisse

It’s important to consider mineral intake for growing heifers, as their bones need sufficient mineralisation. In this way, they can use these bone mineral reserves during periods when nutrient levels are sometimes insufficient, as is the case at the start of lactation. Moreover, a good mineral intake guarantees good results during breeding.

Amélie Cornillet
Ruminant Veterinarian at Vitalac

Flexibility and quickness 

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Vitalac is committed to keeping animals healthy through good nutrition and to boosting herd performances with products designed to maximise profit margins. Because we understand that your market and your needs are specific, we’ve developed a broad range of products and knowledge of conditions in the field to respond to all types of contexts with tailored solutions.